Sample of Services

As an Hour Dollars member, you will have access to a wide variety of services listed in the member directory. These services depend entirely on what our members offer at any given time. The kinds of services typically listed in the directory include:
· Arts and Crafts
· Auto Maintenance
· Children’s Activities
· Cleaning
· Computer and Internet Set-up
· Cooking and Baking
· Desktop Publishing
· Driving and Errands
· Entertainment
· Event Help
· Financial Services
· Hair Services
· Handyperson
· Lawn and Garden
· Legal Advice
· Massage Therapy
· Music Lessons
Success Stories

True stories from our Hour Dollars files:
Saving Time, Saving Money
Vicki saved a whole week and a lot of dollars when she used an Hour Dollars member to fix her computer. She also saved herself the hassle of disconnecting and hauling the equipment to a repair center.
Many Hands are Better Than One
Joanne used her hour dollars (which she had earned doing child care and driving) to hire someone to coordinate a yard sale from start to finish. The coordinator took charge, using other members to help out as needed, for a successful three-day sale.
Personal Chauffeur
Mary was without a car for four weeks. Instead of using buses and taxis to run her weekly errands, she decided to save time and money by using drivers from Hour Dollars. Each week she saved up her errands and hired a driver for 3 hours. The driver picked her up, waited in the car while she ran into various stores, and drove her and her parcels home. She said it was like having her own personal chauffeur.
Learning New Skills
Beth used some of her hours to have her kitchen wallpapered, and in the process gained the confidence to tackle the next room herself.
Helping the Community
A group of 32 Hour Dollars members participated in a fundraiser event, earning one hour for each participant and raising $900 for a local non-profit organization.