Our Philosophy
Mission and Goals

The mission of Hour Dollars is to strengthen our community by providing members the means to meet each other, share their skills, and solve problems cooperatively. It is also our intention to value every member's time equally and be accessible to all interested members of our community.
Our program is founded on these principles and goals:
Every person has something to give, and everyone can benefit through the involvement of others. Hour Dollars equally values every hour and helps build self-esteem.
Many people have needs that can't be met with money or aren't affordable. Hour Dollars increases spending power.
People can ask for what they need knowing they have used their skills to earn their hours.
Neighbors learn that trusting each other and being trustworthy brings short-term and long-term rewards. Hour Dollars creates extended family and reduces fear and crime.
Community members become co-producers of the products and services they need and of the quality of life in their neighborhoods. Hour Dollars cultivates the village to raise the child.
Hour Dollars introduces neighbors of varying ages, cultures, abilities and income levels. Hour Dollars helps uncover the advantages of a diverse neighborhood.
Code of Ethics

Our members are required to sign and abide by the Hour Dollars Code of Ethics. As an Hour Dollars participant, you agree to:
Treat all participants with respect and as you would like to be treated.
Respect the confidentiality of the other Hour Dollars participants.
Never distribute, copy, share or sell member information to nonmembers.
Ask for permission before using any personal property of another Hour Dollars participant (such as telephone, bathroom, tools, food, etc.)
Ask permission before bringing any other person (a child, friend, helper) to an Hour Dollars participant's home Never be under the influence of alcohol or drugs while providing or receiving services.
Ask for permission before smoking in an Hour Dollars participant's home.